Friday, July 9, 2010

Nibble part 4

"I got in."
"What?" my mom asked, turning her head away from the computer she was sitting in front of. The one she always sat in front of... that is, until dad got home. And the yelling started. I cleared my throat, "Cal Poly. I got in."
"Oh." That's all she said. Oh. I had worked so hard for the last three years, and I had worked so hard on my application essays. I had put so much work into getting this acceptance. And my mom said, "Oh." She turned her chair around to face me, and my hopes sky-rocketed. Maybe she would congratulate me. Tell me how proud she was of me. She asked, "Is that where you want to go?" I nodded. She turned from me again, "Well then. I guess that's where you'll go." Then, absentmindedly, she turned her head towards me again and asked, "Did your brother call?" I blinked. That was it. Subject over. I turned to leave, "No."
I laid on my bed and stared at the acceptance letter. A minute ago, this had seemed so exciting. I was so proud. And now, it just looked like a letter telling me where I would go next, not congratulating me that I was allowed to take the best road, just telling me to go. Oh well. At least I would be out of here.
Sunday morning, Lindsay called me. She always called me on Sunday mornings, trying to convince me to go to church with her. I usually turned her down-I wasn't religious, and I just felt awkward and out of place with all those people singing and praying and telling bible stories. But this morning, I really wanted to get out of the house. Even if it meant going to church with Lindsay. So I agreed, and as Lindsay pulled into the driveway and I picked up my jacket, my dad turned away from his lap top. My mom was still asleep. "Where are you going?" he asked. I turned, surprised to hear him addressing me. "Oh," I said, tucking my hair behind my ear. I untucked it and said, "Um, Lindsay's taking me to her church."
"You're religious?" my dad asked. I blinked. "Um, no. Lindsay just likes taking me." He looked at me, and I felt so insignificant under his gaze. "Huh," he said, and then turned back to his lap top. I stared at him for another second before quickly leaving the house, pulling the front door shut behind me and hurrying down to Lindsay's family's car.
As I sat on Lindsay's bed after church, flipping through a magazine from her seemingly endless collection, I asked her, "Do you know where you're going to school?" She looked up at me, "Oh. Uh, not yet. I mean, I want to go to RISD, but I haven't gotten in yet." I looked up at her, "I didn't know you wanted to go to Rhode Island." She smiled, "Yea, I mean, I want to be a clothing designer, so I figure that's a good place for me to be." She laughed, "My mom wants me to take a 'more practical career path' but I'm gonna follow my dreams, you know?" I nodded. "How 'bout you?" I looked up, "Oh, um, I'm going to Cal Poly. Just got my acceptance letter yesterday." She smiled widely, "Well, how 'bout that! Good for you." I smiled and looked back at the magazine. Maybe my parents wouldn't congratulate me, but I always had my friends. And I couldn't wait to hear Harrison's reaction.

© 2010

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