Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Quotes by Moi

She spends her whole life trying to figure out the difference between darkness and no light

Pain is endurable if the person you love isn't empathetic

when you're standing on the edge of a cliff, about to commit suicide, and then right as you change your mind, somebody pushes you

girls don't understand boys.
boys don't understand girls.
it works out in the end.

suicide hurts others
she knew what she had before it was gone but she couldn't do anything to keep herself from losing it.

rain is recycled tears: always comes when you're most sorrowful

I stayed inside and watched the storm until some kid broke my window.

I don't believe in the word have. Technically, you don't HAVE to do anything.

He promised her he would return, and until he did she would learn how to receive his kisses through the wind. The storms came and she rushed outside. She loved the mist in the breeze by the tide. She received a letter that he wouldn't get better, he died in her arms, she wasn't alarmed. She put her head back and as the wind came, she opened her mouth and whispered his name.

If you had a choice, would you live or die? If you had a choice, would you laugh or cry? If you had a choice, would smile or frown? God gives you a choice, have you turned him down?

© 2009

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