Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lovely, Lazy, Hot, and Not part 24

I wake up wednesday morning with a headache. I sit up and rub my skull, hoping it will
fade away. I walk downstairs, pour myself cereal, and take out the bottle of aspirin. I pour
myself a cup of water and sit down. Once I finish my cereal, I swallow two aspirin with the
water and get up, bringing my bowl to the sink. Just now Jesse walks downstairs. "Wow,
decided you're gonna ditch school today?" I ask, pulling out my red converse from underneath
the arm chair, where I left them the night before. "What?"
"It's like past 7:30, man."
"WHAT?!" Jesse runs over to the computer, clicks it, and looks at the time on the corner of the
screen. "Agh!" He runs into the kitchen and pulls the cupboard door open quickly. Chuckling, I
walk upstairs and change into jeans and a t-shirt, brushing my teeth, washing my face, and
running a comb quickly through my hair before going back downstairs and picking up my
backpack from the living room floor. I walk outside and realize Jesse is already driving down
the street in the family truck. "Hey, you forgot something!" I yell angrily after him. He turns the
curve, driving farther away from me, and I groan as I look around the driveway. I see my bike in
the garage and walk over to it. I've never driven to school on it before, (it's not exactly backpack
friendly,) but I guess I have no choice today. I put my backpack on, praying it won't mess up my
balance, and pull my helmet over my head. I spot my leather jacket on the tune-up shelf and
walk over to it, picking it up. Apparently, leather jackets are good protection in case you crash.
Its recommended to wear leather pants, too, but I think I'll take my chances with that one. I pull
my jacket on over my shirt and walk back to my motorcycle, getting on and driving out of the
I pull into the student parking lot and people look over toward me. No one else at this
school has a motorcycle, and I guess most people don't know that I do. I park and get off my
bike, pulling my helmet off and putting it on the handlebars. I'm about to take off my jacket,
too, but I figure it's probably a bad idea to leave it on my bike where anyone can take it. So I
leave on the jacket and walk away from my bike towards the school, becoming aware of all the
people watching me. Jeez, people, I didn't get a makeover something. You've just never seen me
this way.
"You're wearing a leather jacket," Venice says as she walks up to her common seat in
science. I look up at her, smile, and reply, "I noticed."
"And I heard you rode a motorcycle to school."
"News travels fast."
"Why did you ride a motorcycle?"
"My brother took the truck and left me in the driveway. Didn't exactly have a choice there."
"I didn't even know you had a motorcycle."
"Well we don't exactly talk very much. There's a lot about me you don't know."
"Well, yea. But, a motorcycle? I just totally did not imagine you as the type of person who
would have a motorcycle."
"I call is The Blackbird."
"Why's that?"
"Well, it's black." She laughs, "Yea. But why Blackbird?"
"Eh. Just a cool name, I guess."
"Heartfelt, too."
"This is a motorcycle we're talking about here, remember." She smiles and turns around, and I
smile too.

© 2010

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