Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lovely, Lazy, Hot, and Not part 23

I blew a bubble and she reached out and popped it with her index finger. Laughing, I dropped backward into the grass. She sat down on my stomach and bounced. "AH! CAN'T! BREATH!" I yelled. She laughed as she got off of me, "You calling me fat?" I smiled, "Oh, yea, you really should lose some weight." She smiled widely and I stood up. She slipped off her flip flops and jumped into the pool, overalls and all. "Minnie!" I yelled. She laughed and threw a giant rubber duck at me. I smiled and took off my converse and socks before jumping into the pool with her.
Minnie looks at me as I walk up to the general store. I don't know whether to stop or not. "Hey, Thomas," Keith says, smiling at me. That guy is the most clueless moron I've known in all my life. And I've known a lot of clueless morons. "Hey, Keith. Minnie." She looks me over and says, "You've gained weight." Keith smiles, "Yea, looks like you've been working out, man! Nice!" Minnie clearly meant her comment to be criticism. Yet another example of Keith's clueless moronic-ness. I smile at him anyway, "Thanks, man. I'll see you guys later." I slip past them into Joe's and watch Minnie watch me in the mirror on the back wall of the store. She slowly turns around and leans her head on Keith's shoulder. Keith wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her closer to him. Irritated, I look away from the mirror and walk into the aisle with pizza in it. I was planning on just chilling at the store for a while, but looks like that plan's done for. My dad had been watching TV when I came back downstairs, after finishing my homework and running out of excuses for staying in my room, so I grabbed my keys and left. I don't know why, but for some reason my dad being home is irking me even more than his not being home. Its like he's just hanging there to be pretend that he's making up for lost time. But one day can't make up for years. And time lost is time that can never be taken back.
Minnie and I went out through freshman and sophomore years. We broke up in the summer. I don't even remember who dumped who, but I'm pretty sure she broke up with me. And yet she treats me like this huge jerk, like I cheated and then dumped her on the street or something. I don't feel any regret about our relationship, I'm not broken-hearted about losing her, she doesn't stir up some ocean of feelings inside me every time she gives me her death glare. Frankly, she's just annoying. Our relationship ended because neither of us really felt anything anymore. Its as simple as that. When we broke up, we both agreed it was best, and it seemed to me like we were both relieved. But then school starts up again and every time she sees me she gives me this look like I hurt her, like I messed her up, like the time we dated was the worst two years of her life. I don't get it. But its just another person who hates me. Not really that big of a deal.
Just annoying.

© 2010

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