Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A blog post that actually talks about my life?! What is this madness?!?

Yes, it's true.
I'm actually making a blog post that is similar to the rest of the blog posts in the world. "But Sienna, what caused this change?!" I don't know, person that doesn't read this, (hello, by the way, to all the non-existent locals of this website,) I just feel like it today.
So, I was talking to my friend the other day, and I was about to say "Come to me, duck gods!" (Don't ask...) but I accidently said, "Come to me, character gods!" CHARACTER?! How did I accidently say character instead of duck? ...the world may never know.
So, here's a couple of my pet peevs for you to lie awake tonight pondering, (because you know you will):
1. Open doors
2. When people call me Sianna (I've actually gotten used to it, but I wish people would call me my real name.)
The fact is, it drives me crazy to be sitting in a room where there's a door open. But, I mean, once you're sitting, you don't wanna get up again just to close a flippin door. So it just sits there, open, mocking you. Grrr. About my name, when I tell people "Call me Sienna." They're like, "I do...?" And I'm like, "No, you call me Sianna."And they're like, "I don't hear a difference." -_- Of course you don't. No one does. Except me, 'cause I have to listen to it 24/7. Ok, it doesn't really bug me that much. But I just really think my real name is much prettier than Sianna, which sounds like one of those names that some person says in a really nasally voice before calling you a hillbilly and throwing a bologna sandwich at you. (I don't speak from experience. Thank goodness.) Hmmm...I just spelled bologna wrong, (I thought it was balogne,) so I typed it, "baloney" just to see if the computer was stupid or not and it didn't put a little red dotted line underneath it, so I was terribly confused. I looked up the word and found out that when people say, "That's bologna!" about some sort of lie or whatever, the word is actually spelled b-a-l-o-n-e-y, but when they say, "That's bologna!" referring to an actual slice of meat, it's spelled b-o-l-o-g-n-a. ...You learn something new every day.

Song recommendation of the day (not that I'll do one every day or anything): The Bird and the Worm by Owl City (I LOVE ADAM YOUNG)

Seriously, listen to it. Now. NOW, WOMAN! (Or man.)

© 2010

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