Sunday, April 11, 2010

Broken Glass, Broken Hearts part 52

"Hey, Angela!" Selena said with a smile as I walked up to her with my lunch bag. "Hi," I replied, sitting down. Jayd gave me a look and bit down into the baby carrot she was holding. "Hello, ladies," Ed Drawe said as he walked up to us, smiling and carrying a food from the cafeteria vending machines. "Hey, Drawe," Selena said to him with a smile. I looked over her to the ramp where some kids were sitting on the concrete, talking and eating. I glanced down at the grass beneath the ramps, next to the fence that separated the students from the rest of the world. Tyler and I used to sit on that grass, usually by ourselves but occasionally joined by Ed, Selena, Jayd, or all three. Tyler also became friends with this guy Shane, and through him I met his twin sister Emily. Emily and I became what elementary students would call 'school friends.' We, coincidentally, had almost every class together, so we hung out together during class and talked, laughing like best friends and eating to together, (with Tyler and Shane, of course, and whoever else decided to join us,) but we never corresponded outside of school hours. Emily and Shane lived on Paradise Cove and decided to go on vacation to the exact opposite place of their Paradise beach-front home- Death Valley. So, for the time being, the grass by the fence was empty, and I sat with Selena and her friends at the lunch tables. "Whatever happened to that girl, what's her face..." Jayd started, looking at me, "you know, you hung out with her a lot...she had short hair, it was, like, spiky, and she wore those huge glasses?"
"Yea, her. Where'd she go again?"
"She moved to Canada."
"Oh. So, like, are you guys still friends?" I thought about Tammy...pictured her in my mind. 4'10, a legal Little Person, with huge glasses and a wardrobe staight out of the eighty's. Her hair was, as Jayd described it, rather spiky and really short, sticking up in all directions and often dyed multiple bright colors at the tips. She had one chunk of hair that she didn't cut when she donated her hair to locks of love, and she always styled it...dying it to top off her bright tips, braiding it with beads, knotting it with lace- she even once dyed it red, put beads with smiley faces on them into it, and braided it around red velvet. "I haven't talked to her in a while, I guess," I replied. "She was here at the dance, though."
"The dance? What, you mean the one that was like, a bajillion years ago? Sheesh, I thought you guys were like best friends or something."
"We were."
"Then how come you guys haven't talked in so long?" I shrugged, "I don't know, we were both just busy, I guess. She's probably making new friends and stuff."
"Well I think you should call her. Real friends don't just, like, drop all acquaintance 'cause one of them moves and the other gets a boyfriend."
"I don't have a boyfriend."
"Ok, sorry, a really close friend that just happens to be a boy."
"Yea, whatever. So does that mean Phil and you are going out now?" She 'pshed' and replied, "Puh-lease. Not my type. Even if he was, I think he's like my distant cousin or something. That would be incest."
"Oh, that's nasty. I didn't know you guys were related."
"Yea, I didn't either, until, like, a week ago. So weird. But seriously, you should call her." I looked down at my phone, sticking out of the front pocket of my bag. "Yea, I guess I should."

© 2010

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