Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Aw, College Students

Yes, another post about my actual life. Shut up. Stop it. Be quiet. Why are you so mean?

Well, thank you so much for screaming next door and making me think someone was murdered or something. Also, thank you for having a crazy party and leaving shards of beer bottles scattered all over the road in the morning. You don't know how much I appreciate that.
Wait, you thought I was being sarcastic?
Sadly, no. I am one of those people who is really easily entertained. You know those people who walk up to you with their friend and they're like, "Watch this, she laughs at anything," and then they turn to their friend and they're like, "Muffin," and their friend starts cracking up hysterically. ... Those people really annoy me. I'm not like that. I'm not going to laugh if you walk up to me and say muffin. (Well, I might, but that's just because I have a lot of inside jokes involving muffins and I occasionally laugh when I'm confused, which I would be if a random stranger came up to me and said muffin. Not that you're a random stranger. You probably aren't. Hi, mom! No, actually... my mom doesn't read this. ...Hi, dad! If you read this...
-sigh- I have no one to say hi to.
How terribly sad my life is.
Wait, what were we talking about again? ...OH! Right. College students. So anyway, I actually do appreciate their loud parties and shards of glass, because, frankly, it's really interesting to observe. I'm a writer, in case you haven't noticed, (if you haven't, I pity your teachers,) and I'm pretty sure writers see the world in a different perspective... one where things that annoy most people are fascinating and things that some people find fascinating are annoying. Ok, well, maybe that's just me. OH! Speaking of the word Ok, I found out today that it's a verb, a noun, an adjective, and exclamation, and an adverb. AND the abbreviation for Oklahoma.
You learn something new every day.
So anyway... no, actually, I'm not going to talk about the college partiers anymore. They don't really party that much. (The world hates me. Ok, no, that's false. My life is fabulous. BUT STILL.) ... so, I was freezing today, and I was wearing a strapless dress, (wow, SMART, Sienna, where a strapless dress on a day that's clearly going to be freezing,) and I forgot a jacket, (-_-), so I was walking around school with a towel wrapped around my shoulders, (I had the towel for a good reason, trust me, although I didn't actually end up using it,) and since I happened to be wearing a strapless dress, it looked like I was naked. Oh, yea, go ahead, laugh at me. Thanks. You're so nice. -sigh- So, the guys who never ever look over at my friends at I in our lunch spot, (cliques,) were all looking over at us wide-eyed and pointing, all shocked and staring and everything, so I sigh and yell, "I'M WEARING CLOTHES!" Clearly, though, not everyone heard me, because they continued to stare at me through lunch.
Note to self: No strapless dresses on freezing days. Or, if you do, don't wear a towel to stay warm. Just sit in the office. Idiot. O.o

Song recommendation of the day (not that I'll do one of these every day): Stuck In the Moment by Justin Bieber

... did you just recommend a Justin Bieber song, Sienna? Really? Why yes, person who doesn't read this, I did. Oh gosh, don't be so judgmental. It's a good song. Just listen to it. -sigh-

Back to watching the ducks fly over my head... tents are so pointy underneath the afternoon sunset...
Does Megan Fox realize she is a gilded butterfly? I'm just saying.

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