Thursday, November 18, 2010

Broken Glass, Broken Hearts part 95

"He wants to work in the loony bin?" Selena asked, her voice disbelieving. I grinned and nodded, though of course she couldn't see me, "Yea," I said, adjusting the phone on my shoulder as I rearranged the books in my bookcase, "Or help with kids at a school, you know. Something like that."
"Wow. Who knew Tyler was the saint, right?" She paused, "Well, other than you, of course." I laughed, "Yea, other than me." Selena sighed, "I'm bored out of my mind. We should go to a movie."
"Nothing good's out right now."
"Something good's always out. At least one movie is always relatively good."
"Not really in the mood for a relatively good movie, thanks."
"Fine," Selena consented with a sigh, "What do you want to do, Miss Sarcasm?" I thought about it, squeezing the last book in the case. "How about," I paused, "How about...Cheesecake Factory?" Selena considered this for a moment. "Alright. Fetuccini sounds pretty good right about now." I could practically hear her shrug, "Besides, I need a new jacket. That one place has those awesome faux leather ones, remember? It's in that mall, right?"
"I don't know. But pretty much all malls have a Factory. You could just look it up." Selena agreed, "Ok. I'll call you back in a minute, then. Call Tyler. And have him call Ed."
"He's with him right now, I think."
"Whatever. Call you in a few." Selena hung up and I dialed Tyler's cell. He picked up, and said he was already at the mall by the school, and that they'd meet us at the Factory in twenty minutes. Selena called back and agreed to come pick me up, and we left for the mall.
We walked around the mall after eating, Selena searching for the store which held her precious faux leather jackets. Tyler and I trailed slightly behind Selena and Ed, holding hands as I peered in store windows, looking at the cheesy summer displays. We walked past one store that sold all sorts of things for houses, and I looked at the heart-shaped window frame that leaned against the window of the store and bit my lip. "That is so adorable," Selena said, motioning towards the frame, "I wish my house had windows that were shaped cool. Or at least normally. I swear, my house feels like an institution. Selena nudged Tyler in the side, "Perfect place for you, Tyler, sweetheart." I grinned at this and looked away from the frame, over to Tyler's wincing face. "Angela," he said, "I will forever resent you for telling her about that." I laughed and kissed him on the cheek, "You'll get over it, in time."

© 2010

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