Friday, October 15, 2010

The Child's Voice

She looks up,
and they're looking down
She speaks up,
and they all turn around
She tries to fight
but they simply laugh
She gives her vote
but they count it as only half

Listen to the children
Hear their voices, however weak
Listen to the weak ones
Hear them out, let them speak
Listen to their wisdom
Let them tell you what they think
I promise you
You'll be surprised
They're wiser than you think.

© 2010


  1. hi
    i was looking through blogs and i found yours and i read this poem and i just want to say ur amazing. im going to come and look at ur blog and read ur posts every now and then haha... i write storys, i dont hav any on my blog now but i will eventuallyyyy....... and ya im gonna follow u:)

  2. Oh wow haha thank you so much that means a lot :) I'd love to read some of your work, too! :)

  3. YAY that made me happy haha, I posted my story on... theres 9 parts to it so far but dont worry there like a paragraph each :)

  4. I am blown away. You get better with every sentence you write. So proud of you, honey! Shiana, you picked a good blog to read.

  5. Thank you my darling I love you <3 AND HURRY UP WITH THE EDITING OF NATALIE'S CHAPTER I WANT TO READ IT haha

  6. I'm working hard lovely! You'll get your Natalie soon!!!
