Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Broken Glass, Broken Hearts part 85

I had thought that Stephen's had been stuffy before, but it was nothing next to what it felt like now, with the convenient heat stroke that came just in time for the beginning of students' summer. Tyler was at home unpacking into his new house, but he had promised to pick me up from work when I got off, at four. Sean had stopped by for a while to tell me about his family's two-week vacation to Maui. He hadn't really met Tyler formally, but he assured me that when he got back, he would introduce himself, clear the uncomfortable air that came into the room whenever Sean called me while I was Tyler, despite the fact that I had told him Sean and I were only friends, two people connected by a girl, one whom we had lost. Tyler tried to disguise his jealousy when he called, probably more for feeling bad about Dustin than because he actually wanted to be cool about me having a close guy friend, but I could see it clearly on his face. It was probably the same expression as the one that I wore when I climbed into his car or walked into his new house to find him leaving a message on Sadie's phone or checking his own messages, anxious to see if she had called him. I tried to understand that he was just concerned as to why she hadn't contacted him because they were good friends, but all the joy I should have been enjoying over the fact that my boyfriend's close girl friend refused to call him back was destroyed by his replying in most likely just the way she wanted him to-getting anxious, sitting by the phone, leaving countless messages on her phone. I knew that Tyler and I were really only new to the whole relationship thing. It was to be expected that we would start out just as any other couple, with obsessive protectiveness and consistent jealousy. It just seemed to me like we should really be at an advantage, avoid these things, since we had been on the brink of a relationship for so long. But what did I know.

I was perfectly fine with Angela working at Stephen's, it wasn't like I was a pathetic human being who had no way of occupying myself while my girlfriend worked a few hours on weekdays and every other Saturday. The fact that she was out of my surveillance, though, and that Sean did, in fact, stop by to chat with her occasionally, got on me like nothing else. I was happy to hear about his vacationing to Maui, unhappy to hear that it was only for two weeks. I shouldn't feel jealous, I knew that, Sean was just Angela's friend, and they could never be interested in each other that way because he was her passed sister's last boyfriend. But how many stories are there about two people bonding over a death, how many movies where the girl ends up with her dead husband's best friend or brother? I knew this wasn't a movie, and that in reality, no girl would ever be interested in any guy ever again after having been married to the beast of a dude that is Gerard Butler, but still. I was on the look-out. Ang might have been his lost girlfriend's sister, but that didn't make her any less charming and gorgeous.

© 2010

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