Saturday, October 30, 2010

Broken Glass, Broken Hearts part 86

I stopped at the movie rental place on my way home and walked slowly down the aisles, searching for the perfect entertainment for the evening. Tyler and I were going over to Ed's house with Selena, and we were all supposed to bring a movie, so that we could have a marathon. I selected The Breakfast Club eventually- a movie that never failed to entertain- but as I was walking out I saw that old TV show with Tim Allen, Home Improvement peaking out at me from the TV section. I pulled it out and bit my lip, looking at the picture of the family standing with Tim, who was all dressed up in construction clothes. I put it back on the shelf and walked up to the counter with The Breakfast Club.

I whistled as I opened yet another box of clothes and deposited its contents onto my bed. My mom was playing Anya Marina in the living room, and though the music wasn't exactly my type, it was pretty catchy. My room was much larger than at the last house, though still smaller than the room I had at grandma's. I went back to the garage and selected another box at random. I brought it into my room and discovered that I was not, in fact, the only person who wasn't done packing. This box was full of stuff from my mom's childhood- there was a pair of jeans that I recognized, a stack of CDs, and a bunch of little pieces of junk. I found her old wallet and pulled it out. There was still forty dollars tucked in the largest pocket, and the card slots were all full. Her id picture smiled at me from behind the sheet of plastic that held it into the wallet. I pulled it out and another one came with it. I looked at that one and, after examining it for a minute, I realized that it was fake. The other one was real, so I don't why she kept her old one. I rolled my eyes and put them both back, leaving the forty bucks and closing the box again. I walked into the living room and left it on the couch. "I'm gonna go rent a movie," I told my mom, and she yelled back an Ok, so I grabbed my car keys and closed the front door behind me.
It always smelled like gasoline and incense in the movie store. As I was walking down the aisles, I saw a particular DVD case in the television section that was sticking out slightly, like someone had tucked it back onto the shelf quickly, not really making sure it was even. I pulled it out and Tim Allen smiled up at me from the cover of the Home Improvement case. I put it back onto the shelf carefully and continued down the aisle, pondering whether I should rent a new movie or just chose a classic.

© 2010

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