Sunday, January 29, 2012

I'm So Vain part 5

Caleb pulled into the driveway and I looked out the window, hurrying back to check myself in the mirror one last time before the doorbell rang.

I'd settled, eventually, on black leggings, a sort-of long white blouse with pearl buttons, and my leather wedges. I rushed down the stairs at the sound of Caleb's knock and smiled widely at him when I opened the door. He took a step back and gave me a once-over. "Stunning," he concluded, offering me his arm. He grinned mischievously and added, "As usual." I grinned back and looped my arm through his, pulling my front door closed behind me and turning the lock before walking down my driveway with Caleb.

Caleb pulled into Matt's driveway and as I stepped out of the car, I could feel the pulsing of the music in the house under my feet. Caleb turned Matt's doorknob and we walked into organized chaos. Everyone was broken into groups; clinging to each other and laughing loudly at jokes I couldn't hear, and probably wouldn't be able to hear even if I was standing with them, on account of the music. Most faces I recognized, but some older-looking kids were clearly from the college, and a few rather plain-looking kids were clearly from Washington High. Only the most popular kids from other high schools hung out with us: they'd look incredibly out of place if they switched to Winston, with even the Chess team being five times better looking, but they held themselves with such a confidence that they got away with showing up to our parties. Even with this impressive self-confidence, however, you didn't often see us interdating. It's not that we purposely rejected them just beacuse they didn't go to Winston, or because they were plain. It was as simple as this: they didn't ask us out, we didn't ask them out. It was like a mutual, unspoken agreement. Emmaline popped up in front of us and Caleb and I jumped slightly back, startled. "Hi, you guys!" she squealed, bouncing on her heels. Emmaline was small, with an hourglass figure, long blonde hair, and warm brown eyes. She had the energy of a puppy, a squirrel, and a parakeet combined. Tonight she donned a short, tight, blue silk dress with long sleeves that flared out over her hands, and mary jane platforms. "Um, hi, Emmaline," Caleb stuttered, and I laughed. "Keg's in the kitchen, sodas are in the cooler, and I made cupcakes!" she informed us, her big eyes sparkling with excitement. "Thanks, Em," I replied with a smile, and as I pulled Caleb away, Emmaline scurried off behind us to greet more incoming guests.

Cona, Jill, and Nattie were huddled in the kitchen when we walked in. Nattie skirted over to the keg and turned the spout, filling two plastic cups for Caleb and I. I raised an eyebrow at the Pepsi in Cona's hand and she grinned half-heartedly, "Designated Driver Duty," she sighed. "Ah," I nodded, and Nattie handed me my drink. "There's Anthony," Caleb said, nodding to where Anthony stood across the room. "I'll find you later, Ok, babe?"

"All right," I agreed with a smile, and he put his hand on the small of my back and kissed me before pulling away and walking toward Anthony. Jillian sighed and shook her head, and I looked over to see her looking after Caleb. "You two are so precious," she cooed, and I laughed. Cona nodded in agreement before taking another timid sip of her soda. "Hey, ladies," Jackson Turner said with a smirk as he sauntered over to us and leaned against the wall next to Jill. "Gag me," Cona mouthed to me, and I grinned. Alec Quinn sidled up next to me and smiled, and I rose an eyebrow. "Hey," he said after a moment, and I looked up at him, squinting as if the sun was in my eyes. "Hi." He grinned as if this was an invitation and said, "I thought there was a window over here." I rose an eyebrow again, "Yea?" He nodded. He said nothing else, and I could tell he wanted me to, so I asked, "What made you think that?" He paused, as if for dramatic effect, and then answered, "I thought I saw the stars." Another dramatic pause, and then, "But I guess it was just your eyes." I blinked at him.

Oh my gosh. He did not just say that.

A laugh burst out of my throat, and when his cheeks enflamed, I put a hand on his arm and said, "At least you didn't ask me if it hurt."

© 2012

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